Things I've learned and observed.
The statement ”I just had brain surgery, ” will just about get you out of anything.
My brother knows quite a bit about the Bible.
Most dogs will swim if you throw them in water over their heads.
It’s never to late to do the right thing.
Aunt Jemima was a badass bitch and very very cool.
Dad may or may not have a chainsaw when he gets back, but it's not Canonball’s fault.
Bubby is actually Yiddesh for grandmother, but as the oldest grandchild, Hope, picked my dad’s nickname.
Hope practiced inclusion before it was cool.
Projects are more fun with family and friends.
Eating pumpkin bread and listening/watching to the one and only brother I formerly thought was slow, speaking quite intelligently about the Bible is not a half bad way to spend a Sunday morning.
#badassbitch #azlife #oncearedneckalwaysaredneck #hopeforinclusion #craniotomy #Mayoclinic #Gracefellowshipbiblechurch